The name of the Association shall be the ‘Gloucestershire Lawn Tennis Association’.
Objects of the Association are:
- The promotion of the interest of the game of Lawn Tennis in the County of Gloucestershire and particularly:
- To arrange inter-county or other matches and to select teams for such matches
- To promote or assist in the promotion and regulations of tournaments and competition in the County.
- To assist in the provision of coaching for players and in raising the standard of play in the County.
- To co-operate with the Lawn Tennis Association and any other Association or body of persons in the general interest of the game of Lawn Tennis
- To employ the funds of the Association generally for the purpose andobjects of the Association.
The Association shall be affiliated to the Lawn Tennis Association.
Membership of the Association shall be open to:
- to Lawn Tennis Clubs or Clubs with a LTA Section situated in the County of Gloucestershire.
- Schools situated in the County of Gloucestershire which provide facilities for playing Lawn Tennis.
- Associate Members being any person interested in and wishing to support the game of Lawn Tennis in the County of Gloucestershire. The number of Associate Members be limited to 100.
- Honorary Life Members, any person so elected by the Council of the Association in recognition of servicies rendered.
- Application for membership or associate membership shall be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary on such forms or with such particulars as the Council may from time to time require.
- The acceptance or rejection of any application for membership shall be at the discretion of the Council of the Association.
- No person being a member of the Association, or of a club or School that is a member of the Association, may receive payment for their services as a member.
- Membership may be resigned at any time upon giving one month’s notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary, but unless such resignation has been received by 1st April in any year. A member shall be liable to pay the subscription for the year. resolution, shall be notified by the Honorary Secretary to all members of the Council at their usual address and to the member whose name is contained in the resolution and posted seven clear days at least before the day appointed for such meeting. Any appeal against the Council’s decision must be lodged with the Honorary Secretary within 7 days of the notification of such decision.
- Any person who, in the opinion of the Council, has rendered outstanding service to the County may be elected by the Council to Honorary Life Membership of the Association, provided that the total number of such honorary members at any given time shall not exceed five.
- The affairs of the Association shall be under the management and control of a Council, consisting of the officers’ ex-officio, with 13 representative members (to be elected as provided in Rule 7) and not exceed 4 co-opted members, a member of the Gloucestershire League Committee, the Chairman of the Junior County Closed Committee, a representative from each of the Men’s and Ladies Match Committees, a Veteran’s Representative, a British Tennis Coaches Association (Gloucestershire) Representative, and the County Development Officer. County Performance Officer, County Tournament Officer and Mini Tennis Organiser shall attend Council meetings to give their reports but will not be entitled to vote. All other members of the Council shall be entitled to vote.
- The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers shall act in an honorary capacity and shall retire annually but shall hold office until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting at which they retire although they shall be eligible for re-election. Any person accepting nomination to the Council who has any financial interest in the game must, before election, state in writing to the Association all such interests. Failure to do so will lead to automatic disqualification from the council membership. The Council has the right to veto such an election if, in its opinion, it is not in the best interest of the objects of the Association.
- The Council, at their first meeting after the Annual General Meeting in each year, shall elect a member of the Council to be their Chairman for the year following who shall hold office until the conclusion of the following Annual General Meeting.
- The Council shall meet at least 3 times a year and additionally as the Members thereof shall determine, or on the request of the President or Chairman or any 7 members of the Council. Notice of every meeting stating date, time, place and business to be transacted shall be sent by the Honorary Secretary to each officer and member of the Council not less than 7 clear days prior to the date of such meeting.
- At a meeting of the Council a quorum shall consist of 7 members are present.
- At a meeting of the Council, if there be an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second and casting vote.
The Council shall be deemed to be the competent body to carry out the objects of the Association. In particular they shall be empowered to:
- To appoint the County Representative to the Lawn Tennis Association.
- To decide any questions or disputes submitted by members of their decisions and resolve any matters relating to discipline in conjunction with the Lawn Tennis Association and in accordance with the LTA Code of Conduct.
- To decide any question as to the qualification, eligibility or membership category of member or of those applying for membership, or any player in relation to matches or tournaments arranged by the Association or its members.
- To authorise the disbursement of the funds of the Association for the purposes and objects of the Association, to hold or invest any part of such funds; to vary or sell the investments or other assets of the Association; to make grants or loans on such terms as they decide, provided that the purposes comes with the scope of Rule 2.
- To invite for any special purpose any person not being a member of the Council to attend a Council meeting but a person so invited shall have no right to vote at the meeting.
- To fill any casual vacancies in the officers of the Association or of the Council. Any person so chosen shall retain office until the conclusion of the next AGM. The vacancy of a Representative Member of the Council shall be filled only by the appointment of a member from, the same club category as the Representative member vacancy. Any such vacancies shall be additional to those under Rule 7 (c).
- To elect to the Council, not exceeding 4 Co-opted Members, who shall be entitled to a vote at meeting of the Council.
- To delegate all or any of its powers its duly appointed Committees, which shall be elected in such manner as the Council shall from time to time decide. The elected places on such Committee may be filled by persons other than members of the Council.
- To enlist by co-option as member of the Committees, for any special purpose the services of any persons not being members of the Council, and such persons shall be entitled to vote at meeting of the Committees.
- To do all other lawful things incidental or conducive to any of the objects of the Association.
- Officers
A candidate for the office of President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer for the ensuing year may be nominated with his or her consent- by the Council
- by any member Club
provided the nomination, duly seconded, shall be in writing and must be received by the Honorary Secretary not less than 7 clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. All nominations unless withdrawn shall be submitted to the decision of the Annual General Meeting.
- Members of the Council
There shall be 13 elected members not more than two members being elected from any one club, and not more than 4 Co-opted Members.
Co-opted members
- Not exceeding 4, to be elected by the Council in such manner as the Council shall from time to time decide.
- In the event of there being insufficient written nominations to fill all vacancies, up to four nominations may be accepted from the floor at the Annual general Meeting; such nominees must be present at the meeting.
- At each Annual General Meeting all co-opted members of the Council should retire and those elected representative members of the Council who have served for a period of 2 years should retire although eligible for re-election should they so wish. The School’s Association should elect a representative annually.
- Notice of the number of vacancies to be filled in each category of Representative Members of the Council shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary of each member Club and member School by the 15th day of October in each year. Any Member school can nominate 1 candidate as a schools representative. Each such nomination, duly seconded, shall be in writing and must be received by the Honorary Secretary not less that 7 clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. All nominations unless withdrawn shall be submitted to the decision of the Annual General Meeting. A Representative member of any of the 3 club categories shall be elected by a vote of Member Clubs in the category, and a Representative Member for Schools shall be elected only by the cote of Member Schools.
- Notice of the number of vacancies to be filled in each category of Representative Members of the Council shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary of each member Club and member School by the 15th day of October in each year. Any Member school can nominate 1 candidate as a schools representative. Each such nomination, duly seconded, shall be in writing and must be received by the Honorary Secretary not less that 7 clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. All nominations unless withdrawn shall be submitted to the decision of the Annual General Meeting. A Representative member of any of the 3 club categories shall be elected by a vote of Member Clubs in the category, and a Representative Member for Schools shall be elected only by the vote of Member Schools
The Association may confer the distinction of Honorary Vice-Presidents upon any person for marked service to Lawn Tennis in the County. Candidates shall be nominated only by the Council
Committees appointed by the Council shall regulate their own proceedings subject to such direction as the Council may from time to time determine. The proceedings of all Committees shall be notified either by report or by minutes to the Council.
The Standing Committees of the Council (with maximum strength and quorum for each Committee) shall be:
Name of committee | Max strength | Quorum |
Gloucestershire League | 10 | 4 |
Men’s Match | 3 | 2 |
Ladies Match | 3 | 2 |
Liason | 12 | 6 |
Discipline | 3 | 3 |
- The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during the month of December following the end of each financial year of the Association. The business of the Annual General Meetingshall be to receive a Report from the Council and an audited statement of receipts and payments for the past financial year, to elect the Officers for the ensuing year, to elect Honorary Life Vice-Presidents, if so desired; to elect Representative Members of the Council; to appoint an Auditor; to decide subscriptions and to consider motions of which due notice has been given. The Council or any Member of the Association (as defined) by Rule 4a) may outforward a motion at the Annual General Meeting provided that written notice thereof be given to the Honorary Secretary on or before the first day of October in each year. Any other General Meeting of Members shall be referred to as an Ordinary General Meeting.
- An ordinary General Meeting shall be convened on request by the President or Chairman of the Council, or on the written request of 10 Clubs who are members of the Association, provided that such request states the general nature of the business which the meeting will be asked to consider and not any other business.
- For any General Meeting of the Association, not less than 21 days written notice shall be given by the Honorary Secretary to all members of the Association (as defined by Rule 4 (a). Such notice shall state the date, time and place of such a meeting and the nature of the business to be transacted, and in the case of the Annual General Meeting shall be accompanied by a copy of a Report of the Council and a statement of receipts and payments for the past financial year. The accidental omission to give any such notice to or non-receipt thereof by any Member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any General meeting.
- At General Meetings of the association, the following shall be entitled to attend and speak, and shall have the right to vote; Officers, Honorary Life Vice-Presidents and Members of the Council, Members of Member Clubs and Staff Representatives of Member Schools, Associated Member and Honorary Life Members shall be entitled to attend and speak but shall have no right to vote.shall be given by the Honorary Secretary to all members of the Association (as defined by Rule 4 (a). Such notice shall state the date, time and place of such a meeting and the nature of the business to be transacted, and in the case of the Annual General Meeting shall be accompanied by a copy of a Report of the Council and a statement of receipts and payments for the past financial year. The accidental omission to give any such notice to or non-receipt thereof by any Member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any General meeting.
- At General Meetings of the association, the following shall be entitled to attend and speak, and shall have the right to vote; Officers, Honorary Life Vice-Presidents and Members of the Council, Members of Member Clubs and Staff Representatives of Member Schools; Associate Member and Honorary Life Members shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall have no right to vote.
- At General Meetings of the Association, voting shall be by a card vote as follows:
- Each Officer , Honorary Life Vice President and Member of Council present at the meeting - 1 vote.
- Each Member Club represented at the Meeting shall be entitled to the following number of votes:- Clubs, with a playing membership not exceeding 75, - 1 vote. Clubs, with a playing membership exceeding 75 but not exceeding 150, 2 votes Clubs, with a playing membership exceeding 150, - 3 votes, and 1 extra vote for each additional 75 playing member’s over 150.
- Schools Representative - 1 vote per 10 member Schools.
No other members shall be entitled to vote.
- At the General Meeting of the Association, no person shall represent more than one club. Clubs having more than one vote may, following a decision by their clubs, mandate a single representative to cast all their allocated votes, provided such decision and name of representative is received in writing by the Honorary Secretary not less than 7 clear days before the date of the General Meeting.
- At the General Meeting of the Association, a quorum shall be formed if 10 voting members of the Association, qualified to attend under the rules, are present. No business other than the formal adjournment of the meeting shall be transacted at any General meeting unless a quorum be present.
- At General Meeting of the Association, the Chair shall be taken by the Chairman of the Council; in his absence a Chairman for the meeting shall be elected from amongst those members of the Council present.
- At General Meetings of the Association, a decision by a simple majority only is required (except as provided by Rule 14); if there is an equality of voting, there shall be a second count, if upon such second count there is again an equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
Subscriptions to the Association shall cover the twelve months from 1st October to 30th September following. The rate shall be as decided at the Annual General meeting and shall be effective for that year. Subscriptions become payable on the 1st January in each year, or in the case of members elected after that date, upon receipt of notice of election. Any member whose subscription remains unpaid after 1st April shall forfeit all rights and privileges of the Association.
- The funds of the Association shall be under the control of the Council. The Income and Property of the Association shall be applied solely to its stated objects. In the event of dissolution or winding up of the Association, any assets remaining not being capable of being distributed among the membership shall be applied in furtherance of the stated objects, or transferred to one or more Associations or Societies with similar aims, or devoted to a philanthropic or charitable purpose, as the Members in General meeting shall decide.
- The funds, of the Gloucestershire League shall be administered by the League Committee, who in the event of dissolution are required to transfer all surplus funds to the Gloucestershire Lawn Tennis Association for use at the discretion of the Council of the Association.
- The income, expenditure and property of the Association shall be audited annually by the duly appointed Honorary Auditor, who shall be a qualified accountant.
- The financial year of the Association in respect of which subscriptions shall be payable shall close on the 30th September in each year. A statement of receipts and payments for such year shall be prepared by the Honorary Treasurer and audited for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. The Council shall give such information thereto which any member shall reasonable require. The Honorary Secretary shall forward a copy of the statement to all members of the Association (as defined in rule 4 (a) not less than 21 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
The Lawn Tennis Association shall lay down qualifications for County Representation.
No alteration in these Rules shall be made except at a General meeting and by a resolution carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes cast. Any alterations so made shall take effect as and from 1st January following unless the meeting by the like majority other wise decide. The Honorary Secretary shall forward a copy of any proposed alteration to all members of the Association (as defined in Rule 4a) not less than 21 days before the date of the General Meeting.