What's XML/RSS?
[What it means and how it can help you keep up to date]
This website provides a summary of it's news postings, in a format called RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication).
It's a way of getting the latest information from tennis gloucestershire in a simplified form, just the main headlines and a brief outline of each news article.
Using an RSS viewer you could easily read the main headlines of a dozen websites in just a few minutes, saving time, and allowing you to return later to those articles you wished to read in more depth.
There are plenty of websites that use this technology, providing an RSS news feed, written in XML (Extensible Markup Language!).
The BBC, ITV, CNN, The Guardian, The New York Times and literally thousands of others.
The orange XML logo (bottom right on our homepage) is the link to our RSS news feed. You can copy the link (PC-right click, Mac-control click) and paste it into your news reading software, you can then add tennis gloucestershire to the sites that you keep an eye on, reading headlines quickly and easily.
If you'd like to find out more about this very useful facility try this link as a starting point:
Guardian Online article